Prof. Susumu Uchiyama presented at a webinar sponsored by BECKMAN COUTER Life Science

Prof. Susumu Uchiyama (CSO of U-Medico) presented an exciting topic entitled “Three distinct analytical ultracentrifugation methods for virus and viral vector characterizations” at a webinar sponsored by BECKMAN COUTER Life Science on July 27, 2023. His presentation based on his extensive knowledge and research results was well received by the participants. ▷Website

You can still watch the recording by registering here!!

7月27日にBECKMAN COUTER Life Science主催のウェビナーにて、大阪大学の内山進教授(U-MedicoのCSO)が “Three distinct analytical ultracentrifugation methods for virus and viral vector characterizations” と題した講演を行いました。その豊富な知識と研究成果に基づいたプレゼンテーションは、参加者から多くの好評をいただきました。▷Website
