Analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) is a method for analyzing the shape, molecular weight, and dispersion/aggregation state of solutes by applying a large centrifugal force to a solution and observing the sedimentation of the solute over time.
In the analysis of biopharmaceuticals, there are cases in which aggregates of size cannot be detected by SEC but can be detected by AUC. It is used by many pharmaceutical companies as one of the most appropriate methods for the quantification of aggregates in biopharmaceuticals. On the other hand, the measurement and analysis of AUC require specialized training and extensive experience.
U-Medico measures samples under the most suitable analytical conditions for each sample based on its accumulated know-how and provides the world’s highest level of analytical results.
In recent years, AUC has attracted attention in the field of gene therapy. U-Medico has extensive experience in the quantification of full and empty adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector particles by analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC).



We also conduct studies under our reliability standard to obtain the data necessary for drug applications. AUC services are available at BSL1 and BSL2 facilities.